Friday, April 30, 2010

All That I Hoped Against/ The Break-up

Yesterday, the girl broke up with her boy.

It was a sorrowful affair. The night before, the girl called the boy's dearest friend out of concern that the boy wouldn't tell anyone and would hole himself up in his bedroom with no one to help him through his hurt. Early in the morning, the friend called the boy to give him fair warning. When the girl arrived at school, the boy met her half way to class and asked, "Are you going to break up with me today?" The girl answered, "Yes." They walked to a semi-secluded area and proceeded with a long and tearful discourse. Many sad things were said; the boy projected his hurt onto the situation, viewing it through the lens of all his fears and insecurities. He said many hurtful things, but the girl was prepared and refused to let them into her heart. She struggled against the guilt that assailed her and was more silent than she should have been, probably. Finally, the boy held the girl and kissed his fingers and touched them to her face. Then he made her say the words, "Mattison I am going to break up with you." and gently pushed her from his lap. She said, "I love you" and walked away, beginning to sob. A kindly young man stopped her to make sure she was alright. She assured him that she could make it to her car and would not drive anywhere until she was composed. A moment later, the boy caught up with her and took her hand. He walked her most of the way to the car before realizing that he shouldn't hold her hand anymore. They talked a little bit about what it was going to be like now. When they reached her car, he lightly kissed her and she drove away.

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