Sunday, February 7, 2010

Ode To The Mean Reds / Ginny Victorious

Dear Mean Reds,
I hate your stinking guts. Last night you had a hold on me; today I am rid of you. You are potent; a tiny dose of you works wondrous feats of havoc on a heart. I am over you. Consider this the end of our relationship. Yes, I am breaking it off with you. My new affair involves Someone full of life and grace and deep true love; Someone ever so much more moving than you. You will find Him a formidable opponent. Indeed, I have great hope that when next you peak your ugly head around my corner, I will hide behind Him and He will banish you. Farewell, my old companion. Best wishes and may you find yourself obliterated from the face of this earth, never to torture another soul.
Most Sincerely,

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